In SAS, the MERGE statement is used to combine two or more SAS datasets into a single dataset. There are several options available that can be used with the MERGE statement to control how the merging is performed. Here are some commonly used options:
1. BY: Specifies the variables that are used to match records between the input datasets. This option can take multiple variables. 2. IN: Specifies the input datasets to be merged. 3. OUT: Specifies the output dataset to be created after the merging is done. 4. RENAME: Specifies new names for the variables in the input datasets. 5. DROP: Specifies the variables to be excluded from the output dataset. 6. KEEP: Specifies the variables to be included in the output dataset. 7. UPDATE: Specifies that the input dataset(s) should be updated instead of creating a new output dataset. 8. WHERE: Specifies a subset of records to be included in the output dataset based on a condition. 9. SORTED: Specifies that the input datasets are already sorted by the BY variables, which can speed up the merge process. 10. MATCH: Specifies the type of match to be performed. The options are INNER (default), LEFT, RIGHT, and FULL. 11. NODUPRECS: Specifies that only the first occurrence of a record with a given value of the BY variable(s) is to be included in the output dataset. 12. PREFIX: Specifies a prefix to be added to the names of the variables in the input datasets to avoid naming conflicts.