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SAS Programming proc import & Proc Export options?

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In SAS, the PROC IMPORT procedure is used to import data from external files into SAS data sets. PROC IMPORT supports a variety of file types, including Excel, CSV, text, and database files. Some of the commonly used PROC IMPORT options include:

1. DATAFILE: specifies the name and location of the file to be imported.
2. OUT: specifies the name of the output data set.
3. DBMS: specifies the type of file to be imported (e.g. XLS, CSV, TXT, ACCESS).
4. REPLACE: specifies whether an existing output data set should be replaced.
5. GETNAMES: specifies whether variable names should be read from the file.
6. MIXED: specifies whether the file contains mixed data types.
7. RANGE: specifies a range of cells to import from an Excel file.
8. SHEET: specifies the name of the Excel worksheet to be imported.
9. GUESSINGROWS: specifies the number of rows to be scanned to determine the variable types.
10. USEDATE: specifies whether to convert dates to SAS date values.

These options can be used to customize the behavior of PROC IMPORT and to import data from a wide variety of file types. For example, the following code imports an Excel file named MYFILE.xlsx, reads data from the first worksheet, guesses variable types based on the first 20 rows, and creates a new data set called MYDATA:

proc import datafile=’C:\MYFILE.xlsx’ out=mydata dbms=xlsx replace;

   sheet=’Sheet1′ guessingrows=20;


This code reads the first 20 rows of data from the first worksheet in the Excel file, guesses the variable types, and writes the output data set to MYDATA.

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What are the different proc export?

In SAS, the PROC EXPORT procedure is used to export SAS data sets to external files. PROC EXPORT supports a variety of file types, including Excel, CSV, text, and database files. Some of the commonly used PROC EXPORT options include:

1. DATA: specifies the name of the input SAS data set to be exported.
2. OUTFILE: specifies the name and location of the output file.
3. DBMS: specifies the type of file to be exported (e.g. XLS, CSV, TXT, ACCESS).
4. REPLACE: specifies whether an existing output file should be replaced.
5. SHEET: specifies the name of the Excel worksheet to be exported.
6. LABEL: specifies whether variable labels should be included in the output file.
7. PUTNAMES: specifies whether variable names should be included in the output file.

These options can be used to customize the behavior of PROC EXPORT and to export data to a wide variety of file types. For example, the following code exports a SAS data set called MYDATA to an Excel file named MYFILE.xlsx, creates a new worksheet named Sheet1, and includes variable labels:

proc export data=mydata outfile=’C:\MYFILE.xlsx’ dbms=xlsx replace;

   sheet=’Sheet1′ label;



This code exports the MYDATA data set to an Excel file named MYFILE.xlsx, creates a new worksheet named Sheet1, and includes variable labels in the output file.

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